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We will personally meet with you to find exactly what you are looking for in the furniture piece. If you might not know yet, we can answer that question together. Then, you will see some sketches of ideas to finalize the design. 

What is the purpose of this piece?

Functionality, Statement Piece, Gift, etc. 

What style are you looking for? Contemporary, Natural, Sleek, Elegant, etc.

The process for creating the furniture piece begins by choosing original quality materials. Jimmy Keller and his select team will meticulously craft every aspect of the piece, paying attention to the finest details. You, as the client, will be updated during the progress.

The final piece(s) will be personally delivered to you and installed by Jimmy Keller and his team. Arrangements can be made for delivery, whether locally in WNY, or anywhere in the U.S. and Canada.

Where will the piece be delivered?

Home, Company, Business, etc.

Delivery can be arranged anywhere in U.S. 






Quality & Durability

Each piece is made to the best of our ability and expertise by Jimmy Keller, with a one-on-one focus to detail. Not in a factory.


Local Made & Sourced

Our furniture is made just outside of Buffalo, NY with most of the materials sourced locally. What you spend stays in the community.


Original Designs

No other piece like yours exists. Need I say more?

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